Sunday 25 March 2012

Keeping Consistent

Not a terrible week of training.  I had two massage and one chiropractic appointment. Was consistent with my workouts.  I was fighting a cold most of the week so I wasn't feeling 100%.  My thinking is this week will be a bit slower at the clinic with so many people on spring break.  It might allow for a huge week of training!!

am: 45 minute easy run
pm: CrossFit Workout - Warmup + 3 sets of 3 reps of front squat (full recovery) + 1000 meter row + 3 rounds of 15 ring rows + 20 air squats

15 minute easy run + 6 x 10 seconds fast (walk back rest) + 7 x 300 meter tempo - 100 meters sprint (2 to 3 minutes rest) + 10 minute easy run
Might not look impressive on paper, but this has been my longest track workout to date.  I felt pretty strong I was running with a few other people.  I felt like I was holding my own for once.

30 minute progression run
I was short on time today!

I had planned on a workout but when I arrived at the gym athletes were doing the final event of the CrossFit Open.

20 minute easy run + 6 x 10 second hill sprints (walk back rest) + 5 minute easy run + 6 x 10 second hill sprints (walk back rest) + 5 minute easy run + 6 x 10 second hill sprints (walk back rest) + 20 minute easy run

40 minute progression run
This was a re-match of the burpee challenge between myself and Jesse.  Jesse pulled away over the final few minutes.  I suspect he was holding back.

am: 35 minute easy run
pm: 35 minute easy run

Sunday 18 March 2012

I Feel Like a Real Runner

I'm starting to feel like a real runner!  This week I have encountered some good & bad.  Years past when I was training more seriously I was always riding a razors edge between peak fitness and injury.

Training has been good this past week.  I've had some solid sessions this past week despite being really busy with work.  I'm starting to feel comfortable at quicker paces.  Saturday's workout has been the most intense workout to date. 

Unfortunately before the workout I didn't feel quite right, but decided to go ahead with the workout anyway.  I have always suffered from springtime allergies.  For the past few days I thought I was dealing with allergies, but on Saturday I was certain I was coming down with a head cold.  In an attempt to be proactive I opted out of a Sunday long run.  My hope is I will be feeling better tomorrow.


10 minute easy run + 12 x 10 seconds fast (walk back rest) + 500m tempo - 100m all-out (full rest) + 300m tempo + 100m all-out + 200m tempo - 100m all-out + 100 tempo - 100m all-out + 10 minute easy run


60 minute easy run

Lindenwoods Hill
10 minute easy + 8 x 50m uphill + 4 sets of 400m uphill - 3 x 50m uphill (jog back recoveries) + 10 minute easy run

15 minute easy run + 8 x 10 seconds fast + 16 x 30 seconds @ 8.0mph/12.0% (30secs jog rest) + 3 rounds of 20 burpees + 10 squats (50lbs) + 10 lunges (50lbs) + 10 minute easy run

Hill Progression Run - 5 minutes easy (4.0mph/4.0%) + 15 minutes steady (6.0mph/6.0%) + 10 minutes fast (7.5mph/8.0%)


Sunday 11 March 2012

Poor Hamstrings

Not a great week of training.  I had no spare time with volunteering at the Canadian Indoor Championships.  I was only working on a few athletes so it wasn't physically draining, but I find doing treatments in a competition setting to be mentally exhausting as you want the athlete to perform well and not pull a hamstring.  As a therapist you often have to do on the spot problem solving, whereas in the clinic the pace is slower & controlled.

This week I got a bit carried away on my Tuesday sprint session.  I was running 14 low for 100m.  My hamstring were sore for 5 days following the workout!!!

Here's my favorite hamstring vid from 1992 Olympics.

Warm-up + 15 minutes of skipping - front squats - ring rows + Cool-down

23 minute easy run + 8 x 50 meter sprints + 10 x 100 meter sprints + 10 minute easy run

30 minute easy run


30 minute easy run

15 minute easy run + 8 x 10 second sprints (60sec jog rest) + 16 x 30 seconds @ 8mph/12% (30sec jog) + 10 minute easy run

am: 80 minute easy run
pm: 35 minute easy run

Sunday 4 March 2012

Another Week Of Training

Another week of training in the books.  I haven't started to panic yet, but I realize if I don't get down to some serious training soon I'm going to be in trouble for Manitoba Marathon.

CrossFit Workout  Warmup +  21reps of  deadlifts + kettle bell swings + 15 reps of deadlifts + kettle bell swings + 9 reps of deadlifts + kettle bell swings + Cooldown
I used pretty light for this workout as I haven't done a lot of deadlifts or kettle bell swings in my lifetime.  The bulk of the workout only took 3 minutes so it was the most intense workout.

35 minute easy run + 8 x 50 meters fast (walk back rest) + 6 x 100 meters fast (walk back rest) + 5 minute easy run
Did this workout at the track with Jackie.

40 minute easy run
Ran on the treadmill.

30 minute easy run
Ran outdoors.

Warmup + 7 minutes of burpees + Cooldown

15 minute easy run + 8 x 10 second sprints (jog rest) + 10 x 30 seconds @ 8mph/12% (30 second jog rest) + 10 minute easy run
Did this workout on the treadmill.  

am: 80 minute easy run
pm: 30 minute easy run + Warmup + 7 minutes of burpees + Cooldown


Saturday 3 March 2012

Burpee Contest

We decided to have some fun at the clinic, and offer a $100 cash prize to the person that can predict how many burpees I can perform in 7 minutes. 

To give you some overview I've had lots of practice over the past week!

1) February 24th - I performed this workout at CrossFit.  It just so happens to be the first event of the CrossFit Open.  I had completed approximately 100 burpees. 

2) March 2nd - I once again performed this workout at Massage Athletica.  The plan was to use this workout for our contest.  Unfortunately once I had completed the workout Lisa H. informed me the Ipad had not recored.  I will not reveal how many reps I had performed.

3) I will once again attempt this same workout on March 4th.  And provide video evidence.  We realize the contest is underway, so Lisa will not provide me with any indication as to how reps I have performed to keep things fair. 

When I initially completed the workout on February 24th I was sore for about 7 days following the effort.  With a short turn around between the March 2nd and 4th attempt will I be fatigued or will the practice serve me well?

Everyone is welcome to enter the contest!

Mike B.

Friday 2 March 2012

Massage Athletica: Too many Jets games

Massage Athletica: Too many Jets games: I've been quite motivated these past weeks. All the good training came to a halt with the Jets home stand, I had tickets to 3 games in this...

Massage Athletica: I LUV Burpees

Massage Athletica: I LUV Burpees: As many of you know I am really enjoying the variety that CrossFit provides. Last Friday was the first event of the CrossFit Open it con...

I LUV Burpees

 As many of you know I am really enjoying the variety that CrossFit provides.  Last Friday was the first event of the CrossFit Open it consisted of 7 minutes of Burpees.  I performed approximately 100 burpees in the 7 minute time limit.  To give you an indication the best score world wide has been 161 burpees!

Today I decided it would be a great idea to do a Massage Athletica promotion for the upcoming newsletter.  Perhaps a prize for the person that predicted how many burpees I performed in the allotted time period    

We set up the camera at the clinic making everything official.  I set out on a pace I thought I could sustain.  Upon finishing 7 minutes of burpees Lisa informed me that there had been a problem....IT HAD NOT RECORDED!!!

Anyhow I won't give you any indication as to how I performed.  I am determined to re-film this in a few days time providing my body isn't too sore!
