Sunday, 4 March 2012

Another Week Of Training

Another week of training in the books.  I haven't started to panic yet, but I realize if I don't get down to some serious training soon I'm going to be in trouble for Manitoba Marathon.

CrossFit Workout  Warmup +  21reps of  deadlifts + kettle bell swings + 15 reps of deadlifts + kettle bell swings + 9 reps of deadlifts + kettle bell swings + Cooldown
I used pretty light for this workout as I haven't done a lot of deadlifts or kettle bell swings in my lifetime.  The bulk of the workout only took 3 minutes so it was the most intense workout.

35 minute easy run + 8 x 50 meters fast (walk back rest) + 6 x 100 meters fast (walk back rest) + 5 minute easy run
Did this workout at the track with Jackie.

40 minute easy run
Ran on the treadmill.

30 minute easy run
Ran outdoors.

Warmup + 7 minutes of burpees + Cooldown

15 minute easy run + 8 x 10 second sprints (jog rest) + 10 x 30 seconds @ 8mph/12% (30 second jog rest) + 10 minute easy run
Did this workout on the treadmill.  

am: 80 minute easy run
pm: 30 minute easy run + Warmup + 7 minutes of burpees + Cooldown


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